Be tempted by the cheeky new girl in the office
Maybe she’s bucking for a ‘raise’ out of her boss ?
Will you give her one ?

I want to have a chat with you about this new position coming up in the company, Sir.
Apparently, you’re on the hiring team ?
Can I have an interview ?
Of course I have a system Sir.
I’m very efficient.

Seriously Sir ?
You’re asking me about my typing speed ?
Oh come on Sir !
Of course this is suitable attire ?!
How can it not be ?

I must say Sir,
This is the most thorough uniform inspection I’ve ever had !
I’m a big believer in team building Sir

Hard at work or just hard ?
Need help with that ?
Let me know…
Give me the job Sir !
Give me the job !

How’s my Dictation ?
Watch my video below